Setup XNET on AWS Ubuntu EC2 Instance
XNAT is an open source imaging informatics platform developed by the Neuroinformatics Research Group at Washington University. XNAT was originally developed at Washington University in the Buckner Lab, which is now located at Harvard University. It facilitates common management, productivity, and quality assurance tasks for imaging and associated data...
Read MoreKeywords: Python, Flask, Bcrypt
Flask Api for Creating, Storing and Verifying Bcrypt Hash Password
I am writing this article because during implementing and verifying the bcrypt hash password with the hash string which is stored hash inside postgresSql db was not working. After long time R&D I didn’t get the exact solution of my problem. Hence I though I will write one article to help other developer after getting the solution. In this article I have used the following pip packages...
Read MoreKeywords: Python, Flask, Bcrypt
Implement GraphQL MicroServices Using Apollo/gateway
GraphQl is an open source query language for APIs and a runtime. It is the modern way of building and writing Apis. GraphQl provides additional support to client how many fields values it requires as a response. To know more about the GraphQl please go through this link. With the help of Apollo Server and Apollo Subgraph a developer can write the microservice very easy way. And with the help of Apollo Gateway we can merge all microservices and get the single end points which we can use at our client end...
Read MoreKeywords: Node.js, Apollo, Subgraph, Microservices, GraphQL